13 Tips On How To Live A More Sustainable Life
Living a more sustainable lifestyle is on everyone's minds these days. Or, at least, it should be. Climate change is no longer a potential but a sobering reality. But luckily, sustainable living is not unattainable by any means. Below, we've listed various ways that you can lead a more sustainable lifestyle. Because sustainable living has both your best interests - and the planet's - in mind. S...

18 Sustainable Cosmetics Brands For Eco-Friendly Beauty In 2022
Sustainable beauty brands are becoming more and more common. And with it, a growing sense of awareness for plastic waste and how to leave the planet in better shape than we found it is infiltrating the beauty industry - as we speak! To celebrate sustainable beauty products, we've compiled a list of the best sustainable beauty brands out there today. Keep reading to find the next beauty brands t...

What Are Sustainable Materials?
Sustainability has been a big buzzword as of late. But what exactly are sustainable materials? And why should you be seeking out companies who utilize sustainable practices in their supply chain? Below we have all of your questions answered. From how production processes can benefit from sustainable materials to how your financial contribution towards these systems can lead to a low environment...

What Is Deodorant Made Of?
Many deodorants aim to prevent sweat, kill bacteria, and eliminate odor. But what other ingredients go into the making of this trifecta of personal hygiene? Turns out that there are plenty of cosmetic products out there packed with harmful ingredients. So how can you stop excessive sweating without compromising your health from over the counter products? Keep reading below to learn what traditi...

What Are Sustainable Use Practices?
Everyday, we have the choice to enact sustainable practices for the environment. But you might not be sure what exactly that means. Luckily, we've compiled a quick guide to help you incorporate more sustainable practices into your everyday life. Ranging from how to conserve wildlife to how to make sustainable purchases that support recycling production, we've got everything you need to know ab...

DIVE INTO DEEP Our new scent THE DEEP has arrived Shop The DEEP YOU SHORE DO LOVE THIS SCENT. The fresh ocean meets slightly fruity scents of jasmine and a hint of lemon. Imagine clean, white laundry on sun-bleached driftwood covered by a salty ocean mist. SEAGRASS & PLUMERIA Salty Seagrass with subtle hint...

Eco-Friendly Deodorants For Sustainable, Zero Waste Living In 2022
Are you uncomfortable with the way you spent 2021 waste wise? Do you feel guilty somehow? Not to worry! In this article, we're going to give you our pick of the best natural deodorants from zero waste deodorant brands so you can make those sustainable, zero waste resolutions for 2022 a reality! Natural deodorant vs. conventional antiperspirants There's no shame in using a conventional deodoran...

FSC Certified Paper
Forest Stewardship Council is the leading organization promoting management of the world’s forest. It is non-profit organization established in 1993 that is responsible for environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of forests. The FSC system allows consumers to identify, purchase and use paper from well managed forests. FSC trick logo is used which cl...

Christmas is fast approaching and so are celebrations, parties, presents and gathering of families. However how beautiful this seems, the negative effect can be obvious once attention is paid to it, this is not to say in any way that family gatherings, exchanging presents and partying is a bad thing, just to say that the way some of these thing are done affect the environment poorly. Things as...

Paper Cosmetics Is Officially A Climate Neutral Company
Our Deodorant is Climate Neutral Since the day we started this company, we pledged that we will never indulge in any sort of activity which has the potential to harm our environment. It has been our foremost priority to produce sustainable deodorants, free of any planet damaging materials or chemicals so that mother nature can flourish out of the bounds. Despite the race most of the compan...

You asked. We deliver! Our new subscription service is now available.
We like to keep it simple. Life is complicated enough! Get your favorite aluminiu eco deodorant automatically delivered to your door. Never run out of your favorite deodorant in paper packaging. We deliver on your schedule. You choose your delivery frequency. No obligation, skip, modify or cancel your subscription anytime! Subscribe now and get any all natural deodorant for just $10* *for t...

Benefits of grapefruit essential oil in natural deodorants.
Graepfruit essential oil is highly reputed for ist cleansing, purifying and detoxifying effects. It has a sweet, energizing, and refreshing aroma that is known to be rejuvenating and uplifting. Inhaling it helps increase energy levels, ease tensions from everyday stress, and balance a tired and overwhelmed immune system. The oil has strong antimicrobial properties, and it can be used to help ...

How to apply our Paper Deodorant Stick?
Our stick works just like a popsticle, there is no wheel to turn. Just follow these simple steps and enjoy your new favorite Deodorant. 1. Remove Cap 2. Use finger to slightly push up the product 3. Keep your finger in place inside and apply a small amount under yours arms 4. If nessesary, tap the deodorant twice for it to slide back into the tube Each Person can personalize application amou...